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Sad news

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4GS | 10:58 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | News
38 Answers
I don't like her or her alleged music but I wouldn't wish this on her or anyone: /showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=508969 &in_page_id=1773

very sad indeed


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I've never heard her music, but as you say, I wouldn't wish that on anyone,

My Niece had a miscarriage, so I understand in part, what she's going through.
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I agree with jno. I think mother nature lends a hand when something isn't right. I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks.
A stillbirth must be terrible.
Poor girl...

Having had a miscarriage between having our two daughters, I can understand the heartache Lily Allen & any other pregnant woman goes through.

I hope things improve for her & that she goes on to have the little family she yearns for.
I sympathise with you Jillius. I was only 7 weeks & that was bad enough.

My poor Mum on other hand, gave birth to a full term, beautiful baby girl. Mum never forgot her little daughter, right up until the day she died aged 86. -xx-

P.S. Even though she was still born, my Mum named her Annette.
Aw smudge, your poor mum. I don't think I'd ever get over a stillbirth either.

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