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has | 18:27 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | How it Works
9 Answers
Would anyone know why normal 1st class post would have been delivered to a residential address between 6:30pm & 10pm? Only this happened to my brother last night & it's quite strange don't you think?


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It may have been posted in error to a neighbour and the neighbour popped it into your brothers letterbox when they got home from work.
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Yeah possibly. I know I addressed it correctly, do you mean if the postman posted it incorrectly to another house?
Recently our postie has been delivering at 4pm, before Christmas he was round at 10am - 11am. Before the big shake up in deliveries a few years ago first post was on the doormat at 8am...
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Yes, I remember when...(big thinking bubble explodes from my head)...the first post was delivered at around 7am. Now I'm lucky to get post before 12pm. Those were the days...
I find it bizarre that folks can't get used to the concept that mail can arrive at any time during the working day.
If everyone expects mail at the mat in the morning, it means Royal Mail has to gear up the operation to have staff running around at unsocial hours of the day, then they have much less to do during the rest of the shift.
Efficient operations is about smoothing the peaks and troughts out.
White van man doesn't just turn up to deliver between 8 and 9 in the morning - what's the difference?
I'll bet the percentage of letters arriving during a day, that must be dealt with during that same day is less than 5%. And you've got a little longer before you know the size of the energy bill.
I`m dreading seeing my gas/electricity bills. i hope the mail gets thrown away like our privet papers being found in bins or on the roadside.
i had a courrier deliver at 9pm the other day, he said it was late because they had so many staff off sick with the sickness bug that is sweeping the country and the ones that were at work, were having to do everyone elses deliveries as well as thier own, maybe post office have same problem
i posted a letter a short while ago and asked the person if they had received it as i had put a cheque in it, they said they hadnt but nearly a week later the letter had arrived, the postman had put it through the neighbours letterbox and she was away for the week on holiday!!
Well I recently had a letter arrive on a sunday at 3pm and it came from the postie cos his van was parked outside, beat that.

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