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what size can i have my garage built?

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billbobaggin | 13:15 Sun 13th Jan 2008 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I called the planning dept to ask about putting up a garage in my garden. I was told that as long it wasnt bigger than 30 square metres it would be a problem. How big (dimensions) would that be. thanks maths never was my strong point.


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Well, three metres by ten would give you 30 square metres. (That's ten feet by 33 feet)

4 x 7.5 would as well (13 ft by 25)

That would probably be better, as it would enable you to open the car doors easier.

Just think of the dimensions as x times y where x = the widt
h and y = the depth of the garage.

Therefore in your case x times y = 30 square metres

or 323 square feet.

That means if you cut out a 1' square piece of cardboard you could fit 323 of them on the garage plot.

Because either x or y can be to your own preference there is a multitude of differing sizes. So first choose your desired width and divide it into 323 which will equal the depth.
A simple computation you could choose 10' width. The depth will therefore be 32.3'. ie 10' x 32.3' = 323 sq ft.,

on my extension plans it was sent back the first time because the garage door was not 96 ins wide, so if you think about the width of your support pillars that gives you some idea of where you are heading with the width dimension
i did,nt have to alter it but i then could not call that space a garage
Sorry but I don't think you have been well advised. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 sets out what you can build without planning permission. Amongst other rules, if you have a detached house you get 70 cubic metres or a terrace 50 cubic metres. This is the total of all extensions and any outhouses within 5m of the house though. If you are building more than 5m away from the main house and any intervening outhouses you can actually cover up to half of your garden (again this is cumulative with all other extensions etc) There are other rules to do with the height etc but none of them operate in square metres so I am a bit worried about the advice you were given. Go to for easy to understand guides.
What Bushbaby says is correct.
The 30 square metres part is more likley to refer to the need (or not) for Building Control application for the garage. Any garage greater than 30 sqm in area requires BC approval for the foundations and the roof structural strength. Building Control and PP are unconnected - for some projects you may need one but not the other - or one sometimes need both. Depends what you are doing.
Bushbaby is a planning officer and ex planning enforcement officer :-)

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what size can i have my garage built?

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