Hi hazy, dot, hussy, glad to hear you're well. I'm great too, just finished work, am considering demolishing a bottle of wine, can anyone look after me if it all goes wrong?
I had a great Christmas and New Year thanks, except the bit where someone walked into my house (when I was in it), picked up my car keys and drove off in my car. Eek!
Any interesing people in the internet cafe we could gossip about? :)
oh ffs meredith thats terrible and so bl00dy scary. glad you are ok and the car you can replace.
hi mont groan!! my daughter wityh me and keeps moaning in my ear that she wants to go home so afraid not. lets just say therse not much talent in here lol xx
Yes I did hear them. I heard the door move, and said 'that'll be my sister" (in the porch), then waited, heard nothing. Assumed it was the wind. They had opened my porch door, taken keys, closed door, stole car. Car was crashed half wrecked into pavement next day. Scary!