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figure | 19:45 Mon 21st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
What would you do if you saw someone you didn't like fall and hurt themself?

Feel free to speak about any similar incident.


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laff me head off then
carry on walking
thats if i detested them
but dislike i may help them
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Is this a minor trip-up or going under a bus and being squashed ?
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I'm a trained medic, so my first instinct would be to help, and if they were not too badly hurt I'd see if I could fracture their arm or leg lol
being a bit of a softie Id help.

A couple of examples.
the family above my flat were always being noisy and also flooding my flat, owed money for damages and also never paid their maintenance bills so i couldnt stand them. One day i saw a flash go past my window and heard a bang. Upon investigation it turned out to be a chip pan, alight. The guy had found it alight (he'd fallen asleep after lighting stove) and had thrown it out of the top window of his kitchen. He came downstairs and was severely burnt. I made him sit down, called the fire brigade, got advice and stayed until help arrived.
I was still furious with him that he'd put the whole block in danger, but i wouldnt leave him in that state.

I was bullied all through my teens by a horrible girl from a nighbouring school and her friends. One day when i was about 18, i was driving my car with my friend about 5 miles from town, middle of nowhere, it was peeing down and awful weather and walking along the road was the bully and her friend. I stopped and offered them a lift home. I even got an apology for the awful way she'd treated me for all those years.
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Like you John my first instincts will be to run to their assist them.

You guys are just saying that. I know you all will help if none else were around to help them. It's human nature.
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Good on you Redcrx! You always strike me as the helpful kind.
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4get will probably disagree, so hope she doesnt see the thread lol
I'll try again.

Have they slipped and suffered a minor sprain or gone under a 64 bus outside Jessops and had to have the air ambulance called in ?
I was the first on the scene when my friend fell off a step of step ladders (his real ladders left home when he was 5) and broke his pelvis, when I asked him where it hurt he said, "I'm falling apart, I'm in two pieces" I had to treat his injuries with my back to him so he couldn't see me laughing at him.
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Whiffey, you know exactly what I mean.

I'm sure Legend and Knobby will be back soon enough to rattle your chains. I know you cannot wait to see them. ;-)
If someone isn't badly hurt I think most people's reaction is to laugh - it seems to be instinctive somehow. I tripped and went flying last week - it must have looked really comical but fortunately no-one was around to see (unless they had collapsed in hysterics behind a tree).
If it looked serious I would have to help whether I liked the person or not.

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