stion509962.html I would like to thank every one that took part in poop quiz 3.14159 about pi(e),
but I won't.
After a long look at the answers I have decided that the answers by most were poop even more poop than the poop questions.
But I have decided that there has to be a winner, YEA!!!!
So after a very short deliberation (woohoo where did that big word come from? Don't answer that, as it was only a thought in my big napper) I have decided that the winner has to come from one of the following two contestants, either steg (because, well just because), bobtheturkey (because ?????) and ~nutty~mare~ (because she was the only person that actually managed to answer Q4.b)
so after a close call between steg and ~ nutty~ mare~ (cause bob didn't actually answer any of the questions, just make a statement) I had to toss a coin, so I used my trusty double headed coin and called my usual tails and some how lost again (I'll get the hang of that coin one day).
So ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Cats and Dogs and Chico the parrot, may I introduce to you the winner * big drum roll *
~ nutty~ mare~
your prize is you get to choose what the next poop quiz will be about, if I decide the need to poop again and a little poem just for you
Oh nutty~ mare oh nutty~ mare
I have lots of love, but little hair.
Oh nutty~ mare oh nutty~ mare
I love a girl with a huge big smile