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USA Election

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davies2209 | 12:51 Wed 03rd Nov 2004 | People & Places
6 Answers

Do the army vote in USA? I know that the British Soldiers must be impartial, but what about america?

PS. Go Kerry! Go Kerry!



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Yes they do. Traditionally the US armed forces have been predominantly Republican.

British service personnel are allowed to vote in UK elections.

i think kerry is going,but would he have been any better than bush?we or should i say me.havent a clue about the guy.

Looks like Bush is going to win. I wouldn't be surprised if he was assasinated within 4 years.
why are you planning to upstage me tomd?.......

tomd - it's interesting that you said that.  If Bush completes his second term on 20th January 2009, then there will have been two consecutive presidents (Bush and Clinton) both completing two full terms.  The last time that happened was Madison and Monroe (1809 to 1825).


Having said that, I do not think that Bush will be assassinated - apart from anything else, assassinations these days are more difficult to do.  Presidents just don't do as many walkabouts or drive-by journeys in open-top cars as they used to.

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USA Election

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