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sausagechips | 13:11 Tue 22nd Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
there so many moaning gits on answerbank


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I was thinking that as you were writing it. It must be true lol

htnom eht fo emit eht s'ti kniht i
Backwards Man
Lmao, i dunno i only joined today im more use to Yahoo Answers , and that place is full of Judgemental @ssholes at the mo
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blue monday
moaning tuesday
smile wednesday

groan thursday

laugh friday

its pay day xxxxxxxxxx

hi all here x
Question Author
Legend.... did i say everyone on answerbank is a moaning git? NO THAT WOULD BE A GENERALISATION

i asked why there are so many moaning gits? THAT IS NOT GENERALISATION !!!
i did not say that everyone was a moaning git but there is a lot!
and i just wondered why??
probably because they dont indulge in nice food like a nice platter of chips a la saussage enough or because of the forth comming recession.

Hope this helps
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-- answer removed -- the answer to how much is to much is.... when you want no more!!!
If you don't like to read posts from moaning people, then dont open the post, some people are intrepid moaners ,myself included, and most abers have a laugh at it, cos they can see the funny side,while ever people are having a dig, and a chuckle at my moaning attitude I will carry on doing it,legend is quite right in what he says, for example ther are moaning gits every where, not just on answerbank.
It's alright for you !!
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