1 Trio Hidden in clue ..illusTRIOus
2 List Liszt
3 Mends Men (loo) +ds (outside of DustS)
4 Inga Hidden in clue....jerkIN GAmbolled
5 Audi Hidden & reversed....indivIDUA <l
7 Sacks Double meaning
8 Sena Senate (legislative body) less Te (note)
9 Urson 'runs' around O (Oscar)
10 He-He Two males HE & He
You have asked for help with nearly every clue in this crossword and, while being happy to help, I wonder if you would not be better off mastering standard puzzles before moving on to the more advanced ones?
I am pretty new at this type of crossword...cryptic...and am trying to pit my skills against the pros now to see if I am thinking along the same lines...I study your answers and learn. This is an experiment for me and I thank you for helping out in the way you do. In fact, I have been doing quite well with the standard ones...Many thanks for the thought...we live and learn!
I know that kayakamina was not being in any way snidey, because I also wondered how it was that in a crossword with 35 clues you asked for help in about 30 of them.
Would you not be better off trying a daily newspaper, such as the Telegraph, where the solution is given the next day?