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good night

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legend002 | 02:56 Wed 30th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
dabees dot redbel and anyone else who appreciates whiffys saick jokes about the blinded guy why dont you log of ?go to bed and get up early to laugh at disabled folk you sick twisted people.#




on you all


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If asnyones in any doubt of the depravity go read the thread about the stafford woman who poisoned her husband.Whiffys thoughts are that she was right to do it.Let himexplain away .Sad man. stion514529.html
As for not reading the link the post tells the story.Sad sad man mocking that poor man.
How's the hangover, you horrible little self-righteous twerp ?

How many abusive mobile phone txts are you going to send today ?

hey I am prepared to argue all day long actually as it will make a rather diverting passtime from the real world, which i do not like at the moment!!!!!
Oh-grow up!!.....and just DROP IT!! .....and we wonder why these things eacalate out of all proportion.
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Whiffy no credit used it before midnight calling dris.This is my one and only reply to you today.You mocked a man cruelly blinded by his wife you found comedy in it.I dont need to justify my revulsion for that.I slept easy , did you?Dot argue all day by yourself if you wish , you seem to agree with whiffy as i havent seen any post from you condemning what he said.I have no wish to waste my day corresponding with either of you.Whiffy i8f youre at work have you been for a laugh round the wards yet?Dot do as you please i know you will.

H T H ? but if it didnt I D G A F : -)

no pasta he has decided he is the conscience of all of us and he has decided now that we should post the answers he demands, why should we stop responding to that sort of dictatorial blatherings???????????? he is ust the same on here as any other member and cannot keep making out he is in some way of a superior opinion just because he thinks he is!!!!!!!!! if he is serious about the issues he comments on so dogmatically then he should post in other categories that can be taken seriously!!!!!!!! why does he insist on using CB for these rants? is he not confident enough in his debating skills to post in the more serious categories?
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leg end would you like me to post the actual mobile phone txt you sent me at 02:33:50 on 30th Jan ?

oh forward it to me whiffey!! lol he's lying then is he???
I have just forwarded it to you dot.

got it, yes that is a very abusive and probably illegal text to send anyone, and of course the number of the sender is there too, I think anyone who takes things so seriously on here that thye are prepared to commit a crime, should maybe switch off thier computer and have a long look at themselves in the mirror, or visit a doctor.

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