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bubble wrap

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rass | 11:06 Thu 31st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
why is popping the individual air filled sacks so totally satisfying and potentially addictive ?


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What's even better is getting a mate to wrap you up in it then roll you down a steep hill. Honestly, try it, it's wonderful :)
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I don't know - I'll let you know when I've finished popping this lot! lol
Myself & the rest of the jd's fight over it!
<sighs> sad or what - no satisfying!
hellie, can we do that , can we, please please can we????????????????????????????????????????
Yes Jules, I will nick the big roll we have at work and we'll go and find a big hill. Don't blame me if you're sick afterwards though :(
i wont be i promise and rass, can you imagine popping that many bubbles in one go????????? ecstasy!!!!
Ooooooooh Helli and Jules can I come too pleeeeeeeeease??????x
Katie, I don't have a never ending supply of it you know!!!!! :)
katie, if she's gotta wrap me up in it, no way is there gonna be enough left for you! :-)
Does my bum look big in this??????
:-( I was going to supply my own but nevermind, I can tell when I'm not wanted! Booooooo Hooooooooo.x
awwww hellie, now look what ya done, you made katie cry! you bring some, and i'll wrap and push ya katie X
Nooooooooooo, I just meant cos you're so tall Katie - me and Jules are only tiddly :)
Jeez, what have i started here??!
Aww, it's okay, bobs, we have 1800sq metres of the stuff out in the workshop. I can have a go, too, with that much! :o)
Now this could be a sight to see!

helliebobs, katie77, whiskeysheri and unrulyjulie all careering down a hill wrapped in bubble wrap!

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