1: I have luncheon at 1pm. Yesterday I was served -
Lobster Thermador, Crepes Suzette & a diet coke.
2: A chip on my shoulder.
3: Trying to figure out why chewing gum loses it's flavour
on the bedpost overnight.
4: Grey/blue
5: St Luke. The Patron Saint of Hopeless Cases.
6: Easter, shmeaster.
7: Talk to the other waiting people.
8: Monty Pythons - I'm a Lumberjack.
9: Bah Humbug!
10: Everyday. I'm anal like that.
11: In the maids quarters.
12: Crack Cocaine. (Oh sorry, HomeBase, not homeBAKE)
Ummm......New paint for boring coloured front door.
13: I have a vested interest in Tabards so own one for each
day of the week.
14: Wetting myself................................by having a shower.
15: I may not be very smart - but I can lift heavy things.