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Baseball bat in car

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yelofox | 00:33 Fri 01st Feb 2008 | Law
11 Answers
If someone was to keep a baseball bat in there car would it be seen to be an offensive/dangerous wepon?

Is it breaking the law or comiting a crime?



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It might be construed as an offensive waepon, but it would depend on the circumstances.

If you kept it in the boot and didn't brandish it at anybody then you would be OK.
Unless you could prove that you were on your way to play baseball, the Metropolitan Police would certainly take a dim view of you carrying a baseball bat in your car.

The Spectator magazine published a first hand account of the experiences of Nicky Samengo-Turner who was charged with carrying an offensive weapon because he had a collapsible baton inside a locked briefcase in his car. He was also charged with carrying a bladed weapon in public because he had a Swiss Army knife in his car!

The article is no longer the The Spectator website but it's reproduced, in full, here: l

I've worked in, and managed, several bars. I've always been told that keeping a baseball bat behind the bar, for protection, is strictly illegal and likely to lead to the loss of the publican's personal licence. On the other hand, keeping a pool cue behind the bar "just until we can put a new tip on it" is legal ;-)

suggest a better and more useful implement , as used by minicab drivers countrywide is one of those metal torches the very longest one with the u2 size batteries (at least 4 preferably 6) inside

no probelm in keeping a torch inside the car and you wouldnt want to get hit with one either!
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The law distinguishes between articles which are made or adapted for use for causing injury to the person (which would include the folding baton in the brief case, cited above) and those which are not but which are intended by the person having them for use as such weapons. A baseball bat is not a weapon but having one in a public place when you intend it to be used as a weapon is an offence. It's no defence to show that you have it for self defence,either as a matter of course or on the off chance that you might be attacked . So carrying it or having it in the car or in a pub 'for protection'' is no answer.Public place' includes any highway and any other premises or place to which, at the material time, the public have, or are permitted to have, access, whether on payment or otherwise.

If someone has a baseball bat in the car it may be reasonable to infer that they have it with them for use as a weapon !

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You can do a lot of damage with a thick rolled up magazine, but this could never be construed as a weapon - unless you kept it rolled up and taped I suppose. I would guess that if you had something likely to be involved in the general everyday use of a car - for instance a tyre brace that you forgot to put back in the boot you would be looked at more sympathetically if you used it for defence.
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Thanks everyone for your replys - I just wanted something for peace of mind, as I live in a not very nice area - its a bit scary being a woman and driving around on my own.

I think the big torch idea is brillaint thanks.
if you have a base ball with it, you can just say that you play the sport. { thats what we do.}
maglite web site d-cell size

hope you only ever have to use it as intended!

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Baseball bat in car

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