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If I don't come back...

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EngTeach | 22:40 Fri 01st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
In case I don't come back it is b/c I have been done in. We are hosting a party for 8 little girls. It is a non-sleepover pajama party. My niece is having her b-day party tonite. We will be doing hair/makeup/nails and listening to a lot of HS Musical. Sis and I are also in our PJs. (I look ridiculous.) Pray for our sanity.


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whoo, stock up on the gin, Engteach, and I don't mean for the girls.
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In US it is only 4:45 pm.
Hope you have a great time Eng.Whats the weather doin over there,any snow?
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It is pouring. The dog can't be locked out now so he will go nuts w/ all the people.
It all adds to the fun.Enjoy.x
Have a good time!!
I know what that's like, when it's over I'm sure you'll be shattered and probably have a headache, but the little darlings will have had a great time so it'll all be worth it!!!!

Won't it?
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Wow EngTeach , rather you than me but do enjoy yourself , have you taken a paracetamol already ? lol :-) xxx
hi english

put jim jams on the dog

and he can join in

hav a good time

i have an aunty lives in texas

she was here in november
for a holiday
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No Knob I had not seen that. Much too racy a commercial for US. I did not see a teacher though. I think that girl is a sexratery. I hope my AB Bday party is as good as yours. ( It is on Valentine's day BTW,)
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The first girl has arrived, so I will say Ta Ta for now.
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