Unanswered prayers in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Unanswered prayers

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dot.hawkes | 23:21 Thu 07th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
sometimes I thank God for Unanswered prayers, remember when you're talking to the man upstairs, just because he doesn't answer, doesn;t mean he don;t care, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It's Garth's birthday today Dot.
Dot - that is the most dignified, respectful, honourable, believable and appreciative posting I have ever read from you. Such a pity Bewlay might not get to see it. It might make him think . . . . .
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I'm much too young to feel this damn old, but I've got friends in low places so the Thunder Rolls, in another's eyes
Dot, are these Garth Brooks lyrics by any chance????x
Well if they are I'm going to start listening to him.....that is lovely Dot xx
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you know that msn emocion with the buggy eyes that looks up and swivels it's eyeballs around? well imagine that Katie
Dot....throw us one of your cowboy hats over here.....I need to get in the mood.....lol
If God does'nt answer my prayer (after years of suffering the inbred fools) that Everton finish (at least) fourth and the red sh1te finish seventh. I will be very disappointed. What between that and the Archbishop of Canterbury....
garth crooks was a far better footballer than he ever was a singer.

if youre banished to hell for wishing death on young babies will your prayers remain unanswered forever?

i wonder.

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