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Pickering Quiz

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juliefer | 18:40 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Has anyone received Mr Sapsford's new quiz yet - the follow-up one to 'Film Titles'?

If he's following his usual pattern they would have been sent out towards the end of January but I haven't had one yet. Thanks.


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Yes, they have been out for two weeks now, the theme is
missing links.
Yes Ive had mine a couple of weeks and only need one, but not asking yet prefer to keep thinking.
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Thanks to you both for answering.
May I have the details of these quizzes please
Question Author
It's available from Mr F Sapsford, 43 Westlands, Whitby Road, Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO18 7HJ, for 60 pence and a SAE.
Is this a charity quiz?? and when is the closing date??

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