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smoke on the water

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sambro | 21:11 Sat 09th Feb 2008 | Music
7 Answers
whats this song about?


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think its about a fire in a gambling house or something
We all came out to Montreux on the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile - We didn't have much time
Frank Zappa & the Mothers were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water - A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

They burned down the gambling house - It died with an awful sound
Funky & Claude was running in and out, pulling kids out of the ground
When it all was over, we had to find another place
Swiss time was running out - It seemed that we would lose the race

Smoke on the water - A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

We ended up at the Grand Hotel - It was empty, cold and bare
But with the Rolling Truck Stones Thing just outside making our music there
With a few red lights an' a few old beds, we made a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this, I know... I know we'll never forget

Smoke on the water - A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
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thank you richie blackmore
boo and wee al take a bow lol
Hi sambro, this is one, of my favourite songs, it's brilliant, love megan. xxxx
Yes, it's a song about how tough life can be when you're a millionaire rock star and find you have no recording studio to go to.

Something with which I'm sure we can all empathise.

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smoke on the water

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