Wasn't quite sure where to put this, but here goes; Last week while I was on the pill I was getting some low pain, like period pain. On and off every so often for a couple of days. I came off the pill for my break. And I haven't had a period, I always get it on the morning of the 3rd day. It is now the last day and still no period. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, result was negative. Then today I had some ETREMELY light bleeding, barely anything. I'm going to phone the doctors on monday. But wondered if anyone had any advice or idea of what is going on on here. Thanks :)
With the pill they sometimes have a helpline number you can call on the pack/leaflet or you could nip into a pharmacist?...i was a regular as clockwork with mine for years. Seriously - I knew which day and roughly the time I'd come on...then a few months back I was a few days late and it was different. I was freaking big time and couldn't work it out...it was just a random one so perhaps you're just having one of those?!!