My daughter who is 18years old has been employed for 18 months in a clothes shop. When she was employed, via interview the hours agreed for her to work were 9 and 1/2, 41/2 Saturday and 5 Sunday, with extra hours offered for holidays. She has never recieved a contract of employment. She recently was put down to work all the half term holidays without any consultation and when she spoke to the manager to advise she could only do 2 days in the week and still do the Saturday and Sunday as usual. He became angry and swore, he consequently wiped all of her hours out for the whole week and also wiped off her usual Saturday hours for next week. What rights does she have??
she has to have a contract, unless he has a small store and only employs a few people, she does have to be flexible for the needs of the business, but he is not allowed to swear at her and she can reuse to do hours at short notice, he should have his rotas done at leasr 4 weeks ahead, unless he is an inefficient idiot. she should use her experience to look for another job .