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Arghhh, help me...

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Goodsoulette | 00:50 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I can't stop eating caramel ricecakes. Im on number 3 and there's a whole pack left for me to devour. I normally quite enjoy feeling hungry but I think all this bickering *sob* is bringing out the fat girl in me.

How do you stop yourself binging???


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I didn't think you could, I mean, if you are binging, you can't stop can you?
what snack a jack ones ? i use to eat one after the other gave me upset tum ,,,,dont eat them much now
Hi, Goodsoulette, If you have been a good girl over the weekend? why not!! Live a little
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it doesnt feel like it. Rice cake number 4 is a bout to be scoffed.
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Yeah sleepy, I normally have one and then thats it. I think its the shock of sugar, I thought I had bought the cheese (vomit flavoured) ones.
I never stop binging. Food is there to be eaten so why stop?
I wouldn't worry too much least the rice is least you aren't doing what I did last night.....scoffing the better part of a 150gm Galaxy bar....burp!
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Aw Ames -relax hun-nothing nasty -as long as it doesnt give you any pain then eat them -how are things progressing BTW? xx
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I booked in at a nice little hospital but they can't do it there as the stones are all over the place. Even out of my gallbladder and bileduct, sooooo, the nurses are ringing me tomorrow to let me know where else I can go. The ricecakes wont cause me any trouble but Im not sure about the chicken cacciatore I had for my tea ( I put pancetta in, doh).
Sorry for being so late in lifting this -I have everything crossed for ya -please kep me posted -i'll be thinking of ya xxxi

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Arghhh, help me...

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