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Drivel No. 15

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whiffey | 14:54 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Have you got a new TV ? (I have)

Deal or No Deal ?

Cake or Death ?




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second hand but new to me
No deal

Good trivia whiffey! :)
Har har har !!! At last you have slipped up, outed, OWNED.

Now give us all a break.

Question Author
Why thank you helliebobs, I think I could get quite good at this if I turned my hand to it, but I wouldn't want to bore people.
Well far be it for me to criticise whiffey, but you do need a few more questions than 4, but so far so good and I look forward immensely to seeing your next offering!
Ah Mrs. triple-f, since when has my drivel had a space in the No.?? part.


Clock's ticking

In your own time.

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Drivel No. 15

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