They showed the video on one of the music channels on tv a little while ago playing a countdown of the top cheesiest songs! lol.
It's a real lively Irishy style song, the female singer is dressed in a pale blue dress and has short dark hair.
It's set in a traditional style Irish pub with wooden floors, with a very very lively lovely atmosphere and everyones laughing and enjoying themselves.
The quick shot videoing adds to the liveliness of the scene showing young girls Irish dancing in their costumes, old men sitting enjoying their pints with each other, chatting, laughing and playing cards and dominoes etc.
The woman singer is sitting amongst everyone singing this fast catchy foot tapping Irishy song with a chorus thats repeated many times.
It has a shortish title from what I can remember, and the word 'ma' is in it, possibly being the last word of the title.
lol .. if i had the energy i would!! lol
its just such a lively little number, ive just watched the video on youtube and love it! its got a really good feel feeling to it lol.
im going to post another question in a minute, maybe you will be able to help on that one too.
thank again, im really chuffed having the song thanks to both your helps.