This post isn't a criticism, just my opinion on why you get so much grief.
Many older users of CB remember when it was used as a varient of a social networking site. When people abused that view, others got on their case about it. I remember when Rubyrose had a spell of posting every other question, and she received many derogative posts about it.
When people look into CB and all they see is your name on all the threads it annoys many, but not all.
I'm sure that a few of your imposter's are people that you'd normally consider friends, but they are too afraid to say it to your face.
Just my opinion, but at least i'm honest and use my real personna.
lol!!!!!!!!! well as you have no friends you would not understand anything about communicating with them!!!!!!!! what a lame thing to say!!!!!!!!! that is pathetic, basically you are saying that when people go away on business trips like i did, they should go out on the razzle and ignore the fact they have a conference to sit through from 9am the next morning............get your facts tight oh and find this imaginary link
Yeah...same here to Legend....I was warned about you, but thought...benefit of the doubt....I should have listened to people.....but hey...thanks....because of you I'm very careful who I speak to, email thanks for that.
I know more than dot.Because you told me what you think of her too.Dontworry i wont say.i keep my word.not like you when dot spread lies about me and you.
you nasty man legend, i hope you are so proud of yourself now, you have really opened up some wounds and that is unforgivable. your loss. Liar too, don't accuse others of things and then behave a million times worse yourself, you have a lot to answer for, liar.