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oggy777 | 14:41 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Ok what about dogging any one tried and actuall enjoyed? Happy 2 say none of you had tried swinging. Just lots of views and "oh i know someone", really. lol.
Maybe we at answer bank are just, well normal and well adjusted. What u think?


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I'm intriqued by it-have read about it-visited an on line site to have a nosy but at the end of the day I personally think its grubby and demeans sex.

I am very liberal BTW -just draw the line at that.
It's not a case of being "normal", oggy. It's about having respect for your partner and yourself. Dogging's a murky pastime for voyeurs & exhibitionists, & can also be dangerous.
And LOL dris - it brings a jewellery item to mind, but I'm going to shut up!
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Ice just love ur views. Thanks x

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