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Ah peace perfect peace LOL

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haysi06 | 20:29 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Isnt it lovely?

Sitting here with a cup of tea, got the tv on in the background and catching up with nice people. Had a great day at work too.

Hows your day been and are you looking forward to a nice pleasant evening?



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Hi Jugs, your dinners sounds lovely! I had corned beef hash with brussell sprouts LOL dont get downwind of me!!

Evening Newsdesk, this is a cr@p free thread....I have the filter on, you know, the one that filters out the banal ;)
I had a great day haysi, I had a bit of a lie in then got up to find my son gurgling happily in his cot, then after breakfast and clothes on we went to the park because it was a beautiful day then we toddled off to the shops to get a newspaper and errrm pepperami, then we went to my mum's and put the washing out, then he fooled around instead of having his nap so we sat out in the garden for a while. After going back home to have his lunch, my ex came to pick my son up and took him for the afternoon, meaning I could tidy my house (first opportunity I've had since Jules went home, mucky mare) and open all the windows so the lovely fresh air blew the cobwebs away.
My son returned home, buoyant and chattering and had lots of fun with his tea, then my mum made my tea while I tried to kiss my nephews. I came home, bathed my lovely little boy then gave him his supper. He is now in a deep slumber, and I am on here, with a brew, Corrie on in the background and a bowl of sweeties. Life is good. :)
Got really carried away there :)
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helliebobs, ramble away! It sounds as though you had a great day!

I took my little pup out for the first time earlier....awww...she looks so tiny with her little collar and leash.
aww great day hellie :D
Awww days like that are just bliss :)
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Hi Newsdesk! How are you?
Why are you asking Hays about her special button? It might be a secret. lol
Question Author
Not a special button Newsdesk, the AB ED asked me to trial the filter to see if it works. It works really really well. Its bliss. I dont get all the inane, banal, repetitive sh*te that is posted on AB.
I just managed to spray g'n't all over the lappie monitor at that Figure......
LOL @ Jugglering! Is dinner ready yet? Your dinner sounds delicious. Are you serving wine or beer?
lol figure..... no wine or beer, I am having a simple (extra strong though) gin and low cal tonic with a large slice of fresh lime.... dinner will be ready soon.... so get your coat on lass!
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P.S. re the filter. Its called the 'F.A.N.N.Y.' filter.

It filters out Filth, Abuse. Nastiness. Needy. Yawninducing posts by diddys LOL!

Its great. Every one should have one. PMSL!!
Hi haysi, i have all my jobs done that i need to do, and i'm going to have a cosy lazy night, see ya later, love and a hug, megan. xxxx
So, Haysi, where can one purchase one of the FANNY filters ? I think I definitely need one now.....

PS What's a diddy when it's at home ?
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Hi Megan, I am glad that you are having a nice evening xx

Jug, och you know what a diddy is! Its an idiot, and imbicile, a dolt! LOL

I am testing the FANNY filter out for the AB ed, and I will put your name forward for the trial. ;)
wooo hooo I just got my trial acceptance email. Ta for putting me name forward haysi :D
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you are welcome pixi! Remember to leave it on overnight so as you dont inadvertently get any of the FANNYs posts whilst you are away LOL

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Ah peace perfect peace LOL

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