I was in a similar position last year. Because of a minor crime, years ago, I applied for a visa for my Orlando holiday.
I was VERY worried that the customs official would look at my visa and immediately want to know why I'd had to apply for one. 'What had I done?' 'How long ago' etc.
My wife assured me it would be fine. For 40mins I waited in that Q, trying not to look too worried. No-one else seemed to have the white waiver/visa form like me.
My wife was absolutely right though (as usual, of course). No extra questions at all. Not even a 2nd glance.
The customs officials DO have the right to refuse entry, but the embassy have already asked the awkward questions and made the decision to issue the visa.
So....don't panic!!
other than the usual 'where are you staying, how long for' questions, it was fine, and took 5mins to process the 4 of us, including the finger scans.
Looking back, I think customs viewpoint is, if we've applied for a visa, and been given one, we're okay. It's the ones holding the waiver forms that probably have something to hide - look at all the posts on here about 'do i really need a visa/ can i just tick no'.
any questions about the entry process, feel free to ask, but it'll be fine. Honestly, it will.
have a great time.