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hash browns??

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rugeleyboy | 14:49 Mon 18th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
whats the point of em?

Yukky crap


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i think they're yummy
I love 'em.

Dipped in a runny egg they're awesome!
nah not for me, i'll eat em but i could live without them. Tasteless things.
american idea . leftover potatoes with onion thru them
fried .

i prefer scalloped potatoes myself
potato waffles are nicer but both are yummy
Bubble and squeak is the best with a runny egg.....
I think they're yummy as well. Now bubble and squeak - that's YUKKY!!!!!!!!
Agree ruge, but only the ones made here, in america they are lovely.

Get some pie,mash and liquor down your neck, proper food, now that is good grub.
I agree with Ray - they used to have them on the breakfast menu in America. They were quite nice, but you can't beat a good old bubble & squeak....

And indeed a good old pie, mash & liquor, with plenty of vinegar!
yeah ruge, and stick some jellied eels on your plate at the same time, you've never lived until you've eaten them! Isn't that right ray??? lol

Eeewww, not the dreaded jellied eels Julie!!!!

My Mum used to take me shopping to Romford Market on Saturdays. I used to have a little plate of cockles & Mum used to have jellied eels in jelly.

It used to make me gag watching Mum & other people eating them & sucking the bone off onto their spoons, then onto the side of their plates!
Hash Browns, when done correctly, are indeed Yummy.
smudge, you have just made me feel very nauseous describing that! lol
stop being so harsh on harsh-browns. people have different taste. you may not appreciate them but there are others who adore them. i do.

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