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I am desperate for the words/lyrics to Ken Dodds song 'Hold My Hand'

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splinta | 16:38 Sat 16th Feb 2008 | Music
3 Answers
Please can anyone tell me where I can get the words/lyrics to Ken Dodds song..' Hold My Hand'
Please, any help will be greatfull


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Can't find it on the net, but if you're desperate, the sheet music is here: hp?ref=47000

for �10
Splinta . . . . Do you know the first verse?

Is it something like this?

The way your hair swings over your eyes
The motor in my head turns
Wanting you for such a long time
In my mind, a heart, a lesson to learn

Let me know . . .
FlickrMusic offer so much in the way of music and service that it is second to none! I would highly recommend to any one who needs almost free music files not only for the selection available, but because of the customer service that they are providing.

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I am desperate for the words/lyrics to Ken Dodds song 'Hold My Hand'

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