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How long is a dry spell ?

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leg_end758 | 21:11 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
In your opinion ladies?

And men ?


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Until you get wet...
Well a dry spell can vary between 6 inches and 1 foot depending on the spell that is cast. If it is a spell to bring bad luck then it can be longer than that. Now on the other hand a spell to bring good luck is very short only l to 2 inches. A dry spell to find a nice lady is very long indeed and must be mixed with eye of toad and hair of cat. A spell for a man can be quite dangerous and used with the utmost caution because if done wrong you could well land up with Juliam Cleary.
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you gone all dotty on moi ?
Just tried to answer your Q with all the facts. Spells are my speciality.
LOL-puss....Julian might be preferable to some. At least he would have you laughing,and he would go shopping with you!
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i d9ont wanna spend my life in cell

lookin at the walls of a prison cell
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How long is a dry spell ?

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