Quinlad states that � It is unrealistic to expect every case to
be handled successfully �.
This is fair comment, but it resides in the same category as the
� Collateral Damage � so glibly uttered by the military.
Both of the above comments sound good, but not if you are
unfortunate enough to be handed the $h1tty end of the stick.
Quinlad further states that � Social services must be damned
sure that they are doing the right thing when they drag a child
away from it�s parents �.
I believe that this statement would hold true if the
� Damned sure � could be quantified. Unfortunately, SS
in attempting to prove that they are � Damned sure �
tend to ride rough shod over any one ( Including their own staff )
who disagrees with their perception of the case.
Furthermore, SS are able to impose almost any conditions upon
the unfortunates who attract their attention.
1 :- They can state who can & cannot enter your dwelling.
2 :- They can also state persons who you must allow
entry to your dwelling. ( Not necessarily an SS worker ).
3 :- They can require that you get permission 24 hours in advance,
for any activity or outing contemplated by the family and
involving the child.
N.B. On numerous occasions when attempting to obtain such
permission, the permission granter could not be contacted as
� They were on leave �. This again seems understandable but,
never once was the post covered by another SS worker.
Never mind � Departments not contacting each other �.
Workers in the same departments did not contact each other.
True, you are asked to agree to these impositions but failure
to comply would mean instant removal of the child.
finally, ( for this post ). It was stated.
� Sorry, but there is no magic answer. Children