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which one??

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sunflower68 | 12:02 Fri 15th Feb 2008 | Gaming
5 Answers
I have some money coming to me and want to treat the kids as they have no game console thing.

Nintendo wii or ps2?? There is a package from Tesco x?r=200-5745
but does it mean 5 extra games or just one game?

Which would 8 and 9 year olds get the most out of?

Which games are cheaper and where is best to buy them. Ebay or Game??

Any info and ideas much appreciated.....


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Best would be the Wii, however the games will be more expensive.

That link is 1 game but has five different sports on it. Plenty to keep the kids amused I would say.
A Wii would definitely be more fun for kids of that age, but make sure to buy a second controller to stop the arguments.

As WoWo says, the games will be more expensive as they're newer, around �35- �40.

The best place to buy games varies, Game can be good if they have offers on, Tesco can be quite cheap both in store and online. If you're confident with using eBay then that's probably going to be cheapest if you're buying second hand, although have a scout around first to see if you can't pick it up new for a similar price.

Another thing to consider is something like - a rental service where you pay a monthly fee and can keep the games as long as you like.
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Thankyou guys; I kind of reckoned the dearer option was gonna be the one!! That sports game does look good.
Good idea to try the rental site and ebay, thanks again. : )
i reckon a wii but never buy from ebay buy from GAME because ebayy ones are more likely to be faulty and you cant return them and get your money back.
hope my idea helps you

defo a wii!! particularly for kids!! wii is much more available noe. go to

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