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leg_end758 | 19:29 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Following on from geff p thread about setbacks.
How would you best deal with a letdown or major disappointment in life?

Say someone close to you maybe husband or partner let you down badly how would you react /deal with it?

Can some things never be sorted?


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Depends what the setback was. I always give myself cooling off time when dealing with something like that.
Once i've had thinking time then i'll deal with it.
There is nothing much you can do.

You can either sit and sulk, brood.

Or you can get off your ass and get things done!!

I must admit I sulk for a while and then I am spurred on!!
having some time away to calm down is a good idea, you have to do whats best at the time either for yourself or for everyone involved, it depends on how they let you down I expect
every one is different legend, I suppose I have sat and sulked about things that have not gone my way in the past, but have also (as I get more mature--ok.... older) realise that I do have accept what has happened, OR if there is anything I can change............. theres no time like the present to try and change it for the better!!

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I have had a couple of major let-downs. I screamed to myself a couple of times then shook myself and got on with life!
It's not easy but life is too short to sit and wallow (mind you a good wallow in self pity does you the power of good occasionally)

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