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ok 15 hours sleep and no better

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banned-dot | 13:51 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Morning everyone! Hope you all feel fine! How is CD this morning?
Why am i still not over this sore throat, i sound like Lee Marvin singing Wanderin Star!!!!!!!!!!! I have spent a small fortune on over the counter products and still nothing is working!!! I can;t get to the docs til Friday and I have to work on Monday, I have a banging headache and noone here is even taking any notice and so could people post some really warm and genuine sympathy please just to make me feel a tad better: )))))))))))


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Aah dot! Bless!! I'm sooooooo sorry you're feeling badly luv! xxx
hi dot

try sucking on a garlic bulb

very smelly breathe i know but it wiil work

good day to you xxxxxxxxx
Question Author
top class sympathy there Bathsheba I feel cheered already!!

Monty, I know my kids are all huge Buffy/Angel devotees but we don;t tend to have garlic bulbs hanging around!! That would imply I could cook and I clearly cannot!!!

What about a cheesy garlic bread though? I could get one delivered from the takeaway????
hello banned-dot - I have every sympathy for you, and hope that you feel better soon. Drink lots of hot drinks with diluting orange or blackcurrant, with sugar, and take paracetomol.

Hi Dot,

CD was up around 6ish this morning. She seem to be suffering like you.

I think your sore throat will turn into a cold. Sore throat and headache is a sure sign I'm afraid. Drink plenty and let it ride. Also try some Echinacea. Its a very powerful immune booster.
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Hi Haysi hows you? Cheers!
I am drinking hot coffee and taking paracetamol, I really took too much yeasterday i think, I could try hot Ribena actually I think we have some!

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Hi Tigger, thanks for that.
Isn't that a food colouring? Will I get that at the chemist? Mind you our village one shuts at 12 on a saturday i think : (
I am great dot xx, I can feel bit of a cold coming on, feeling hot and wait, that was because there was a hunk at the gym this morning LOL!
can you swallow the

cheesy garlic bread havin a sore throat

well try honey and lemon and a tot of hot whiskey instead

I'll send you link and as Monty says garlic is good too: .htm
Dot with the husky voice.

I will post my phone number later, ring me and describe what you're wearing. lol ;-))))
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ooo tigger I have just remembered I have a sachet of garlic capsules I bought for when i go abroard as they are supposed to frighten of mozzies!!! I shall use those!
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There seems to be a lot of natural remedies on that website. You'd think that with all those, why are there so many prescription drugs available. I personally think we should revert back to natural remedies for common ailments.
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now then monkey behave, I sound like a cross between Catherine Hepburn and Arthur Mullard so cool yourself lol
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Maybe you should build up to it slowly, go get a nice long relaxing bath and spend the day pampering yourself, for one thing the steam from the bath will help if you feel a bit bunged up, I'm gonna do that cosw my head is splitting!
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I was up at stupid o'clock in pain and feeling very sorry for myself. I managed to get through last night festivities but I feel the same as you, nothing is touching the sides with the throat for longer than a couple of hours.

Hope you feel better soon and if you find something that keeps it at bay for longer than two hours then dear God let me know too!!

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ok 15 hours sleep and no better

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