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Does my arse look big in green???

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dotovaposted | 15:43 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
lol, I've had to get a new yahoo email addy to register , it's a faffing palarva!!!!!

I've registered the email addy dotoverposted lol but you can only use 12 characters on ab registration and so i have abbreviated it!


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wat you mean

the hulk greenie very big dot
glad your bk xx
-- answer removed --
Question Author
Hi, I shall have to ask the ed by email to unzap me on monday : (( So, this here dungeon needs a bit of a tidy up, and don't be thinking I will be doing it all on my own!!!!
If you read your user name like a school register, you sound like a Latvian peasant immigrant called Ted.

Mr. Ted Dotovapos.
Welcome back Dot. Lol xxx

Have you got a mop and bucket? Lol
Question Author
Oh I've been to Latvian it's near Speke airport int it?
I think Speke airport is now the Mick Jagger airport innit?
'' Does my arse look big in green??? ''

Fcukin huuuuge... stick to grey ;-P
Question Author
thank you Vic i shall take your comments on board whilst i try to sort this dingeon out, you know it isn't just anyone they send here, you have to have special leave from AB to enter this hallowed domain : ))

broom ready for clean up

dot is it really filthy as ill bring overalls as well

Does your mouth actually hurt as well as your throat?
Question Author
Hi Cd, my jaw does, and trust me I have hardly spoken today except to give work their intructions and when my daughter was here earlier, my ears are still hurting too.

How are you today?
Exactly the same as you from sounds of things! Got this weird head achey thing going on whenever I stand up too and my neck hurts... I'm startingt think this is a sore throat Jim but not like we've known it!

One of my friends texted me asking if I was ok and I told her I had a sore throat so she called me... I mean, I ask you!!

I did send you sympathy earlier before you got excitable with your posting... this ain't much fun at all!
Echinacea is the way forward China. As Dots original post went walkabout here it is again. Hope you both feel better soon. x .htm
Question Author
well i couldn;t get any of that today tigger but i have found the garlic capsules and so i have taken one if those.

I am resting my voice too CD, but i have to keep answering the phone to work cos it is only the students in today : (
That's the thing about saturdays in Retail, it's always better to go during the week if you actually want to speak to someone who knows what they're selling in my experience. Can they not text you rather than call? That's pants. I have absolutely no wish to speak to anyone except in typed form!

I've tried tht Ultra Chloraseptic and that's no joy either. Ho hum. Tiggs, I never usually get colds or owt like that cause I always do try and prevent them before they start! I think it's kama or something... ;0)

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Does my arse look big in green???

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