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Ant 'n Dec the noo

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whiffey | 19:43 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
They are very lovable but not very bright. They've started a thing about duplicates but I reckon it's done with a trick of the camera., the noo and why can't they speak proper English.


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I bet the girl on there now wishes she'd put a bit more slap on...
Another stupid post by the master of disguises whiffey the wonder dog.
Well what new words are you going to make up to me tonight then.
Ohhh you master of wit you.
Can you talk the noo to me then.

Just carry on and make a fool of yourself again like you normally do halfwitt (and that is a compliment )
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I only posted this because I am leaving. Not just until tomorrow, but for all time. I lost a dear friend last night on here. This time I am leaving for ever, no time-wasting this time, I am off.
Ok G'night whiffey.
Do we have venison for sunday dinner manana then
thats a bit harsh meglet, I thought she was quite nice. whiffey, this is the first I have been on today, I do hope ur not telling the truth!
hi knobby!
Sorry Dove ;-)
hope you have learnt a lesson meglet lol
omg if they had a camera in my hoose now I would die a million deaths, the state of me x
I think seeing how sucessful they are, they are very bright indeed! the noo!
och whiffey dinae go, gonnae no?

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Ant 'n Dec the noo

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