I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any difference in the cheaper multivitamin tablets compared to the dearer branded ones?
I've decided to start taking one a day and bought a tub of 180 from Tescos today, for a mere couple of quid! Much cheaper than others I've seen around.
Would the dearer ones be more effective do you think?
And does anyone feel any better for taking them and if so, in what way?
(Approximately how long does it take to start feeling the benefit?)
I to have just gone on these from Tesco as well as with most tablets i think they take a couple of weeks to take affect.
There are bound to be slight difference in the ingredients but the dearer ones is all packaging and advertising.
According to friends of mine, the cheaper ones aren't as good (nor are the boots ones), they said that in the couple of times that they have switched to cheaper brands, they started getting mouth ulcers which disappeared when they took the better ones. This also happens to them when they stop taking them altogether so there must be some link?