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extra �5000!

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gonzo00 | 18:50 Tue 26th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
if you suddenly discovered that you had �5000 that you didn't need...or say someone gave you the money as a gift....what would you spend it on or do with it?


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I'd pay �4k off my mortgage and use the rest to pay bills for a couple of months.
Probably pay it into my mortgage or pension.

Is that too sensible? How about a huge plasma screen? And an arcade machine.
Spend some on me, me, me!

Probably put the rest in the bank for a holiday
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very responsible tiggs! wouldn't you be ever so slightly tempted to treat yourself a little? :)
I'd split it & give �2,500 to each daughter, to spend on themselves & their families.

I'm kind like that, ;o}
TBH I'm not really into pampering, clothes buying, shoe buying, holidaying etc etc. I'd probably buy loads of DVDs and books though.
If I had children I'd do what Smudge would do.
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Just as I was thinking some interest should land in my account the other day, it appeared. Over �2,000. Initially I thought, that's a mistake. Till I remembered that the proceeds of the house sale were in there for a few months.

It's tempting to spend a bit extra on our refurb but if I keep my hands off it I dont have to look for a job for a while longer.

If it had been �5k I'd save half for the above reason and get the fireplace the house deserves and a couple of classy chandeliers.
I'd treat close family to a meal and a night bowling, give some to my daughter who's a hard up student, put some in my savings account and the rest would go in the wedding fund.

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extra �5000!

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