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baremission | 09:11 Wed 27th Feb 2008 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
What do I do if I need to see a dentist while I'm at uni and only registered with my dentist at home?



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I think they re-register you unless it's an emergency. Try staying with your home dentist and see them during your hols. That what mine did.
If you mean NHS then technically there is no such thing as registration any more.
Meaning that if your dentist has agreed (and most work this way thankfully!) to see you on a regular basis outside 'courses of treatment' then its merely an act of goodwill.
Although most of the general public are unaware of this it is fact (and you have the government to thank for that).
It does mean however that you are free (assuming you can get an appointment which is tricky in certain areas) to attend any NHS and/or private dentist agreeing to see you anywhere in the UK.
If there is a dental school at your university then they will have a dental hospital and most have some form of access centre for urgent dental care.
It would be wise however to try and arrange 'check-ups' at your 'normal' dentist for example in holidays and explain the situation to them.

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