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FAO Petal~Flower

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mistys | 01:34 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
If you have a problam, then feel free to post. The decent people out weigh the others and you may get the help and advice your looking for xxx


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I would imagine that she is loathe to popst anything personal on here, things get copied and bandied around.
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It's a shame as this is a site that's meant to be there to help people with problem's, not make them worse!
Maybe the site is in certain topics, Chatterbank is not quite for that in my humble opinion, certainly would not put anything serious in here.
Hi mistys, hope you are ok, petal if you want to put something on here do it, lots of sane people on here, but if you want to just talk send me an e-mail I am still here for you, take care and keep smiling, Ray xx

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