This may seem like a dorky question, but i have got to propose to my girlfriend in the states soon and it has to be a down on one bloody knee thing. I am not bothered that i will be doing it on a stage in front of quite a few people but i would like to get it right as there is only one chance of doing it and i don't want to think aagh! after. I can't find it on the net, anywhere. Any one got any clues for me.
What kinda clues do you mean?
I think just getting down on one knee, presenting her with a whopper of a diamond and saying 'will you marry me?' is good enough.
If you make it too complicated you might muddle it up once the moment arrives and your adreneline gets going.
Don`t try to make a good show of it otherwise you`ll probably fall over. Just hold her hand and go down on your knee, look into her eyes and propose. Nothing to it . Relax and the best of luck.
Hi topogigo - long time no speak! I agree with the others. Don't make a drama out of it. Just wait until your gf's sitting down somewhere - and perhaps hand her a drink or some flowers first. Then as she takes it/them - go down on one knee and if she gives you the right answer - produce the most amazing ring she's ever seen! How could she resist? The best of luck!
Please elaborate. Why will you be on a satge in front of people? As the other said, don't overthink it, that's a surefire way to muck it up! Best of Luck.
Gosh! Hi English teacher - just noticed the bit about being on stage!!!
Why on earth would you want to do something so personal, in front of people, tops?? There are surely far more romantic ways of proposing! x
If she says no (which I really hope she doesn't) then your gonna feel so much worse being in front of all those people!! However I guess she isn't likey to say no infront of an audiance. Anyone see Ant and Dec this week? The woman on that looked like she wanted to say no but being on TV couldn't!!
I didn't see it - but there you go! Having an audience can make folk say yes, when really they might like to give it a bit more thought. Hope that's not the case for you, topogigo. I'm sure you know how your girlfriend feels anyway - so good luck with it - x
You see what is going to happen is i have got to get up and give a bit of a speech about the lady concerned, everyone there will be doing the same. It would appear to be the best time to ask as it has been talked through already so i know unless i am deluding myself, that she will say yes, i just don't want to muck it up. yes perhaps i am overthinking it but err on the side of caution methinks.