Awww mamma, you didn't scare me, I was being a bit tongue in cheek really. My mum and hubby think I am being surprisingly lax about it all, but the way I see it as millions of billions (probably) of women have given birth before me without a hitch, my family history, although including late, longish labours and big babies, is good and there have been so complications (aside from very minor ones like requiring stitches and forceps, etc). The only thing I have to worry about as I see it is conserving my energy as chances are I am going to have a late baby and a long labour, and want to do as well as I can/ I'm actually looking forward to it, and my mum reckons I'll be the smug cow that says "Well, I honestly don't know what you were all so worked up about!".
Thanks for the concern though :-)
Ask me again as we get closer to my due date and see if I give the same answer LOL XX