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Facebook UhOh

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EngTeach | 00:23 Mon 03rd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I joined Facebook to go to AB appreciation and I ended up displaying my full name. I thought I would get a user name. Is there anyway to change this? As soon as I joined a whole load of my students showed as members. I have their email b/c they send me work on line sometimes. I would rather appear as Eng Teach there too.


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you can change your name no problem Eng Teach. Just go into the account and you'll see the option to change it.

dont know nowt about face book

but work at home


no way

soz e t

What IS Facebook, please? Is it like AB?
nothing like it icey, its a social networking thing, sort of like myspace but different if ya know what i mean .. Its fun but takes a bit of getting used to. I love it now!
Facebook is officially a 'Social Networking Site' like Myspace or Bebo.

Unofficially it's a place to put up drunken picture and add as many people who you don't 'know' as 'friends' in an attempt to look popular.

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Thanks Unruly. I'll try. I am slow at these things!!!!
lol at princess! fortunately i dont have that many friends on there. :-)
no worries Eng Teach.
Oh dear. Thanks for the info anyway. AB was the first chat site, if you like, that I'd ever - and HAVE ever been on. There are some lovely people on here, and quite a few email me, but I wouldn't want to try anything else. Wouldn't have the time anyway! Lol - x
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I see the profile and edit, but when I click, I don't see how to change my specific info.
Haha! Unrulyjulie I just have my friends added, it just makes me laugh when you see people with 83021 if anyone knows that many people who they'd class as friends! :o)

Nah, facebook is ok really! I mean I'm on there most days, but it's mainly because I'm just nosy!
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I got it. I went to account and saw how to do it. Doh!!!
My daughter is on Facebook.....think she has more 'friends' on there than most of us have in a lifetime-lol
Gor blimey hello trace again sorry forgot to tell you that knobby is sparticus as well
Eng Teah, Along the top right is home in the dark blue bar you will see, home, account, privacy and log out. Its rhe account you want, not the edit.

i do know exactly what ya mean princess. LOL
Hi Eng Teach. Why don't you cancel it altogether + start again with a completely different email address? I have one that doesn't have my real name. Incidentally, after you apply to join the AB group, there's a bit of a wait- think it was over 24hrs when I did it x
whoops, took to long to reply, i was checking it out lol glad youre sorted.
What is 'the AB group'???
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I should have a separate email for that. I realized that shortly after registering. I did ask to join the AB group. I feel like I am in gym class waiting to be picked for a team. :)
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Knob, I could tell from your writing and spelling that Spart was you too.
Oh god I just cant hide anything on here can I
Heres a nice utube link for you eng teach.

Me and my youngest son viseted there a few years ago and the tower of terrer was so brill that we just had to get back o there time after time.

Whoops I feey a cindy laufer link coming.

Give my regards to america trace as I love america but lippy did not want to go there for our honeymoon I would have loved to go there but she has her heart set on the dom republic so dom republik wath out as knobby and lippy will be visitating you soon.
tower of terrer

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