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Corrie .... Is anyone still watching it ?

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smurfchops | 09:36 Tue 04th Mar 2008 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers
Well, are they? Yawwwwn zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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I haven't watched it since about 9 p.m. last night.
kick that ugly faced kid alex out. What a miserable child. I;m bored with that storyline, I'd threaten her and say alright you want to be mum I'll get courts involved and take Ryan
Hello smurf, my wife watches it but says it is getting really stupid now, she even went to put washing on last night while it was on, unheard of normally gotta be so quiet, is it rubbish now then?
i also usually wqatch it and do nothing else while it is in but the michelle/alex/ryan storyline and the violet/jamie/sean/ dylan story are all getting so boring, surely the writers must know that people are thinking this way
and I want to scrub that davids face so hard, tan?? Looks like dirt
By its very nature Corrie has to subscribe to the extreme
edges of behaviour, like all the other soaps.Sean is a "gay"
man, the two boys were swapped at birth, Jack Duckworth's
grandson is a thief, his son was also a crook, etc etc.
People taking their ease before the TV want to be entertained by the unusual.
Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull.

I used to look forward to my Monday night where I could indulge in double Corrier, now I dread it. It's flipping awful telly, boring as hell and as for Michelle's "acting", she only has one face and her hair is made of lego.
And David Platt fathering a sprog!!!!!
Yes im still watching it, though everyone else I don't know why!

I sat through both episodes and whinged how dull it was to Mr Boo and he said "well why watch it then?"....i couldn't answer really, other than it's a habit.
Bring back Ena, Minnie and Martha. Even they were more interesting than Corrie is at present. (I only watch it for Steve and Eileen now!!)
bring back ena etc

pity theyre dead innit?

If they can bring back the dead in Dallas then they can do it in Corrie!
If the child is Davids and Tina goes through with the birth - will they be calling it DAMIEN?
I have just read the previews on the ITV website for the next week and every episode has a different writer. Is this normal for soaps. Someone mentioned on here on a different thread that the coordination on Corrie is terrible these days - I'm not surprised now!
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Lofty Lottie I agree ! Let's have some laughs on Corrie, like we used to. And where has squeaky Ashley Peacock gone ?? And why is Ken Barlow still being paid astronomical money when he is hardly ever in it, and when he is I think he is dead standing up.

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Corrie .... Is anyone still watching it ?

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