hi I must agree with rojash here I too strongly suspect HD damage and be warned if you do a repair install any updates not on your installation disk will have to be re-downloaded
if you want to use recovery console try leaving the password blank and just hit enter or try putting in your own password (if you have one) failing that there are password readers available on the net
if you do manage to get into recovery console at the prompt type
copy c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\csrsrv.dll c:\windows\system32
the above is all one line with a space in between dll and c:\
failing that you can get the file here
http://www.dlldump.com/download-dll-files.php/ dllfiles/C/csrsrv.dll/download.html
put this on a floppy or cd then type:
copy X:\csrsrv.dll c:\windows\system32
NOTE X = the drive letter of the drive you put csrsrv.dll onto
good luck