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funkymoped | 15:02 Wed 05th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
what (other) uses are there for condoms ?


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Not lubricant B00, it's a spermicide, tasteless and non toxic, would do in an emergency. I carried a survival tin for ages when on Operations, it had cotton wool and flint for starting fires, waxed matches (for waterfroofing) fishing line + hooks etc, and I thought one day that I would use a 'femidom' instead of the condom for water storage, when I got one, I could have used it as a sleeping bag lol, darn thing was huge :-))
I once used a tampon to stop someone who'd been wounded from bleeding when I was in Bosnia
Tie securely to a parked car's exhaust pipe. Wait for the driver to arrive and start the engine.

they can be used for many a party trick so i hear ;-)

indeed 4GS my brother was a marine he said they were great when used with spark sticks for starting fires.
Mainly preventing unwanted pregnancies and thus resulting in unwanted marraiges , unwanted relationships , unwanted children , unhappy childhoods , making unhappy adults.

Isnt that enough ?Pl�us stopping stds.

D T H ?
babys dummys too

as thet are always losing theres x
legend we're thinking alike today
What 4get?
I said contraception
funky, rumour has it (ho hum...!) that you can boil them, and put them over phone boxes.
In their packets, you could engage in a "lob-a-johnny" contest, like a mini-frisbee!


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