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Pick Me up issue 9 crossword

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ellalee | 21:02 Wed 05th Mar 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Can anybody help me with last 3 clues please.25d alter I have e-e--
also 21 down and 30a
Many thanks in advance ellalee


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25d emend
Answer to this should be 'emend'
I think that is what i put ??
You haven't stated the clues for 21d and 30a so it's tricky to help.

Oh and I think 25d is 'emend' ;-)
cheers squarebear
hehe no problem. Always happy to help.
Question Author
thanks for emend, now all I have left is 21 down collected I have a-c-u-d ellalee
Question Author
Thankyou one and have made an old lady very happy, hate to go to bed with unfinished crosswords!!! That's what I like about the answer bank, everyone is so friendly ,ellalee

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Pick Me up issue 9 crossword

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