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mistys | 21:24 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I posted this in the shopping section but havn't had any replies yet.
Are you this bad? n/Question532050.html


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Noooo but I reckon I could spend that amount on bags :(
Just answered you in shopping but I'll say again mistys , I have the fewest shoes of all I bet. xxxxx
Wait to see if China Doll can beat that
oops now 2 threads ya greedy woman lol

I agree Helliebobs re the handbags, i have a lot of them too
Wow, that is a lot of money and a lot of shoes!!

I must admit I have a few pairs and Mr Funny get annoyed!, but they're all cheap pairs and certainly not Jimmy Choos!!!
I dont buy many shoes or handbags, just what i need really, i think i was born without the excessive shopping gene that so many woman posess.
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I'd love to be able to spend that much, and if I had the money then I easily could. But I find it so hard to believe that's the average!!

Oh bags are a whole different story hellie, bring on the credit cards lol
Always been a bag lady rather than a shoe lady mistys ;)
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Julie that isn't normal!! You don't know what your missing out on :o)
lol helliebobs the bag lady
I've always been a breast man.
I have 2 handbags, both Radleys of course! And a few pairs of shoes, my weakness is Jeans!
I was banned from buying jeans for a long time because I had 22 pairs!
Same as the shoes one im afraid .... all the colours that dont match my bags... : /
Lol wiggal - and if you start adding up the price of all those jeans, i bet you'd be astounded at what it comes to. Same with bags - or anything really. If you have a passion for shopping for certain iotems - you do. If not, fair enough.
Sadly, my favourite pair of boots were once chewed up by the dog. They were in the region of �350, so can you imagine....??!! I've never bought such an expensive pair since!
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Is the dog still living Ice?
It sure as hell wouldn't be if it were mine!!!!!!
Lol Mistys. I wrote about it on here once before. Did I want to kill it? YES! I didn't know whether to cry or scream at the moment I found the foot of one boot detached from the leg - minus the toe part - and the entire foot part of the second boot missing completely. The dog'd eaten it all!
This year so far I have only spent �12 on shoes, (they were reduced from �40). I do love my shoes but I like bargains too so I think I'd struggle to spend that much suprisingly.

If I had the money that no doubt that �500 would probably be a conservative estimate.
Im the least materialistic person i know.
I dont worry about accessorrrrrys that much.

D T H ?
Lol@tigger :-D

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