Anybody know if you are retired but receiving some benefits - can you do voluntary work without losing your benefits. I received a form to fill in re vol work and it is asking questions like are you retired do you get dla do you get income support and all the rest of it.
Wizard 66 - what voluntary work did you enjoy. I have absolutely no idea what I would like to commit to.
One of the things I would like to be (I think) is to work in drop-in centre for the homeless. I do live in Belfast but last time cuppla years ago I put my name for the homeless place and they never contacted me.
Seems like the only reason you're being asked to declare any voluntary work, is because if you were under retirement age and receiving certain benefits, your work could be seen as being unavailable for a paid job. This could just be a standard form which you were required to fill in, and could effect a younger person's benefits - but I doubt it includes you, since you're over retirement age.
If you're medically retired and you're able to do voluntary work, the DSS will deem you as being able to work. Just depends how much voluntary work you do and what the reasons for being medically retired are whether or not you can still do it.
If you are in reciept of incapacity benefit and you take up voluntary work most likely your benefit will be stopped. They assume that if you are fit enough to do any type of work then you are fit enough to work for a wage.