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a bit of a quandary??

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rugeleyboy | 15:42 Sat 08th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
A woman has just been in my shop and purchased something off me, her breath stank of alcohol and she was unsteady on her feet.

to my disbelief she left my shop, fought with her car door to get in and then DROVE OFF!!!!

is it the right thing to turn a blind eye??.......... it could be my kids she knocks over or should she be reported?? (not by me tho, i cant grass)


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you cant grass? but if your kids were hurt you'd wonder why someone didnt grass?
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i know........ i thought that after!!
tee hee
youve answered yer own question mister
hey ruge,
I'm afraid its one thing i would grass on ya know, she could kill someone then how would you feel?. Seriously, how would you feel if you heard she'd knocked over a kid?
I wouldnt think twice... i'll report her for you!
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i know its bad isn't it.................... is it the world we live in now where we all think " I'm all right jack"!!
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im going home in a min, i will get the wife to make a call!!

the woman will be at home now........... does that matter?!
Never quite understood this unwritten rule of "no grassing" no matter what. Is it a man thing or what?
She might as well have a loaded gun in her hand.
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sorry weeal! ;�)
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ok ok.............. i will do it now!!
lol did you take her number then RB? Don't mean to make you feel bad and i can see where you're coming from as well i guess. Sometimes it is hard to get involved in things but a quick anonymous phone call and who knows, you might just be saving someones life.
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she gave me her address as i have to deliver the item.
ahh right, so the thing is, she could well know its you then ? Hmmm, i see the dilemma with that one . Not so easy
A few years ago I was in a pub where some coppers were having some sort of a doo.

There was a bit of a loud mouthed one there and I watched him down at least 6 pints of guinness and quite a lot of wine as well.

When it was closing time we were waiting outside for a cab and this copper came out got in his car and drove of.

I managed to get the number plate and was goinfg to phone up the police but for some reason I just could not squeal on the little piggy.

But I wish I had now as he could have killed someone on the way home.

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a bit of a quandary??

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