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nytol im fookerd

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legend004 | 23:23 Sat 08th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hasd my chilli beef and my riojs

now im orf to bed as im fookerd.

see youse manyanar

im knackurd

im jason bourne

cuddle me my

can cuddle me bumhole

greenies dont tell me wot to do you green gimps

im jason bourne

i tell you

so shurrup freakkko

nytol xx


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I don't actually like Jason Bourne, sorry.
Goodnight xxx
Nite Jason. I'm off too. More fun if I watched Parenthood. Been down the cellar shovelling coal today so I'll probably fall asleep before my favourite bit ... where the lights go out and he grabs her vibrator thinking it's a torch!

c u leg

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I just KNEW he would go for the chilli beef.

Night hun xx
Nite,nite Leggy...been nice talking to you as usual!! xxxx
I'm off to, not done much on here tonight its been too childish, silly questions, nothing worth answering, maybe it will improve tomorrow. See ya.

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nytol im fookerd

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